Field activities are starting to show results


During November 2014 – February 2015, the WOLFLIFE team travelled 1,300 kilometers, equivalent of the distance from Lepşa (Vrancea) to Salzburg (Austria), in order to collect data in key areas with wolf population in the Eastern Carpathians. Specifically, the following areas were covered Natura 2000 sites: Putna Vrancea, Oituz, Ojdula, Herculian and Madaras.

Along the 1,300 km traveled, the team collected 526 signs of the wolves presence, being also identified 118 prints, 200 excrement relevant for diet analysis and 80 biological samples useful for genetic analysis.

The cameras with motion sensors used in the WOLFLIFE project to monitor and assess the conservation status of wolves, occasionally,

Monitoring wildlife using cameras shows once again the cruel reality of the Carpathian forests. Poaching wild animals reached unsuspected strengths

ACDB, WOLFLIFE partner, made a report about the impact of the livestock guarding dogs and stray dogs on fauna. Information

GIS portal
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